FanExpo 2013

Hey readers!

I had the privilege of making it to FanExpo in Toronto this past Sunday, August 25th and who did I get to see there? Nathan Fillion! As the Captain of the Firefly class transport, Serenity, it was only common sense to share a photo op while myself and my best friend were dressed in part of the Serenity Collection! Nathan himself wasn’t able to sit and chat with us for any length of time… 800 people wanting their picture taken with him will do that! But, we managed to get my friend’s hand painted portrait of him into his hands and run before it could be handed back…and before security could blink. Go us!  All in all, it was a fantastic day at the convention, talking to media, other geeks and making friends all around.



One comment on “FanExpo 2013

  1. Pat Musketa says:

    He was obviously the most popular celeb that they had and they totally blew it because most of the Fans could not even get into his panel! LARGER ROOM NEXT TIME GUYS, AND BETTER ORGANIZATION IN THE AUTOGRAPH AREA!

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